The State of Mediterranean and Black Sea Fisheries This FAO document reflects on the fundamental role of fishing activities in the socio-economic fabric of the region and provides a great deal of information the region and provides a wealth of data on the state of these fisheries.
Coastal tourism
Climate change scenarios viewer Platform for visualising and downloading projections of future climate (atmospheric temperature and precipitation) in Spain. This viewer has been developed within the framework of the PNACC and the LIFE SHARA project.
AcuiVisor This application allows the visualisation of the location and consultation of the descriptive information of more than 5,000 aquaculture establishments. You can also obtain information on the Mollusc Production Areas declared in Spain and Areas of Interest for aquaculture.
ATLAS-PRO This is a project focused on oceanic aquaculture in Spanish sovereign waters that aims to identify opportunities for macroalgae farming, evaluate the effect of climate change on marine aquaculture farming opportunities and analyse the viability of aquaculture on a local scale.
MedCORDEX It is a coordinated modelling initiative focused on the Mediterranean region, dedicated to the study of the climatic and future signal of the region. The results of the simulations used in this tool are accessible through its server, which can be accessed from this website.
ERA-5 reanalysis This is a fifth-generation ECMWF reanalysis of global climate over the past decades. Data are available from 1940 onwards.
GLORYS reanalysis GLORYS produces and distributes global ocean reanalyses with a resolution of 1/4° which aim to describe the mean and time-varying state of ocean circulation from 1983 to the present day.